Reggie Banks releases hand drawn music video for “Hold on Me”
Sydney-based producer Reggie Banks’ new single “Hold On Me” is a slice of etheric bliss and the first of many from the young artist in collaboration with fellow Australian singer/songwriter Tashka. The song was released a few weeks back and is now accompanied by his first music video a hand-drawn effort by Sydney artist Mookhi.
A swift R&B electronic jam, “Hold On Me” explores personal relationship experiences from Tashka as he explores unhealthy relationship patterns. On the production side, Reggie employs different beat machines, samplers and synths live, to string together a feeling of intricate melodic riffs over strong and hip-hop elements. Banks explains over email, “At the time the track was created, I was traveling through Croatia and found myself so inspired by my surroundings. I woke up at dawn at an island called Sljet with a melody stuck in my head that I just had to put down. I found myself recording ambient sounds that I layered within the track, as if to immortalize these memories. When I returned home, Tashka took the song to a completely different level. Hearing the melancholy in the chords, Tashka wanted to explore difficult and complicated relationships that tend to draw the worst out of people.”’
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The accompanying music video works alongside the textures and colors which have been placed to prompt different emotions and associations. The video complements the laid back elements of the track, featuring body silhouettes of both Reggie Banks and Mookhi’s sister in hand-drawn outlines. The sense of DIY aspects met with the chill atmosphere of the song make this one coherent project that toes the line between music and art. Give it a watch here and now.
Connect with Reggie Banks: Soundcloud | Spotify