The Mad Ones illustrate the value of kindness in “Pretty Lights” [Video]
Los Angeles based songwriter and producer Brian Stanley is the brainchild behind indie rock project The Mad Ones. With a radiant, retro flair, their sleek, electronic sound showcases vintage vibes while also staying current with the style of today’s indie scene. The Mad Ones latest single “Pretty Lights” features bold synths and vibrant vocals telling a modern tale of popularity and power. With lyrics like “They only love you all the time when you’re holding all the pretty lights,” the song illustrates your typical it crowd and how they will only be your friend if they feel you have something to offer. The animated visuals seamlessly display that concept. Stanley reveals, “The video itself explores a classic high school experience from the perspective of an alien disguised as a nerdy student. He’s treated poorly by the cool crowd, who assume he has nothing to offer, but then finds solace in friendly students who come to his aid. These are the humans he holds in high regard, as our alien friend values kindness more than anything else.”
Reminiscent of spirited indie bands like Foster The People and MGMT, their warm, energetic quality makes their releases the perfect digitalized ear candy. The video for “Pretty Lights” was meant to be shot with real people and then the pandemic hit. That’s when Stanley enlisted musician Rob Fidel to bring the innovative idea to life through cartoon. Watch the nostalgic, neon visuals now.
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