Alexander23 gets “Caught in the Middle” [Video]
You might have heard this guy’s voice all over your TikTok. Chicago native, Alexander 23 released a new music video last week for his single called “Caught In The Middle.”
Singer-songwriter and producer Alexander 23 put out his April single “IDK Yet” that quickly began a buzz on TikTok. It has already become his most popular song being streamed over 70 million times on Spotify! So, right off that momentum, Alexander23 quickly released this new number, “Caught In the Middle.” A light snare drives the song alongside gentle guitar-plucks, while sentimental verses are expressed through a tender vocal delivery. Produced by the rising pop artist himself, the entire track is a wholesome experience that deals with the classic cognitive dissonance in the odd stages of love.
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The music video is very different from the “IDK Yet” 1-D animation, as “Caught in the Middle” is the real-life Alexander in a lonely pool bar accompanied by bare mannequins. The shaky-cinema style video was directed by Kee Hwang and creative directed by Stefan Kohli.
Alexander 23 was supposed to tour with LAUV this summer. Instead, he’s releasing great pop music all summer long and racking up numbers on TikTok. There is likely a new project down the line for Alexander 23, so keep him on your radar!
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