Lee Paradise drops jarring new “Message to the Past” with video
Cyborg-funk enigma Lee Paradise, an alias of creative Daniel Lee, has just released a glitchy new single “Message to the Past.” The track is a striking and psychedelic fury that’s dripping with sharp synths and booming drums. More commonly known for his work with Hooded Fang and Phedre, this is Lee’s first tune under the Paradise moniker since the 2014 album Water Palace Kingdom.
As Lee Paradise returns in the new decade for more indie-electro debauchery, he’s delivered this banger in preparation for new album The Fink slated for release on December 4. Both “Message to the Past” and its accompanying video prove that the six year break was well worth it, as Lee’s return is a fiery burst of cutting edge, genre bending fun.
The jam kicks off with a chugging drum beat, menacing bassline, and shivering lead guitar run, laying a spooky groundwork for Lee’s chilling vocals to weave through. The track progresses to introduce piercing high synths and some dark background vocals as Paradise’s echoes detail an animalistic lust. Genre is extremely hard to pin down here, as there are hints of electronic, funk, indie, and pop, all fused seamlessly into the expansive soundscape.
The end result, in all of its beautifully daunting layers, whirs, and thrashes, is beyond captivating. It brings audiences to toe the line of running for their lives or dancing uncontrollably; both are fitting options. This lane is a truly intriguing one for Daniel Lee, as he proves once again not only excellent sonic versatility but also the ability to make an unforgettable jam.
Connect with Lee Paradise: Spotify | Telephone Explosion Records