X Lovers radiate “Love” in their new video [Premiere]
The feelings that accompany developing a new crush are those of whimsy. Your face may flush every time you bump into them in the checkout line at Target. Your stomach may feel as though butterflies have moved in to stay. Your head may swim in the clouds as you drive down the highway, creating scenarios of the two of you in your head. X Lovers, comprised of London Jackson and Jacob Ames, encapsulate all of these sensations and more in their new video for their latest song, “LOVE.”
The video seems to begin at the day’s end, while the pair walk in the middle of the street, at dusk, backs facing the camera. Though you can’t see their faces you can tell that they’re smiling to themselves, lost in their thoughts. The accompaniment of the airy vocal production, creates a feeling that is reminiscent of locking eyes with someone for the first time and immediately falling for them. As it continues we are taken on a journey through the streets of Los Angeles, with Jackson and Ames. The song becomes more upbeat and carefree with the addition of electric guitar as they cruise down the road in their white convertible. Throughout the video X Lovers exudes a carefree attitude. Between standing up in the car while driving to twirling around in the middle of the street, they two seem dizzy with love, as they sing, “Oh baby be my love / Oh baby cause you’re all I want / Oh baby be my love today / And forever and forever ayee.” The repetition of the lyrics throughout the song symbolize what it’s like when you first start falling for someone and you can’t stop thinking about them.
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In a way, the video is almost dreamlike, putting you in a love-induced trance that is sure to make you text your crush as you’re watching. Jackson says, “Our new song ‘LOVE’ means everything to us. Jake and I were talking and thinking, ‘What does falling in love sound like?’ And we tried creating that – the best, most infectious feeling on the planet so subsequently we are obsessed with this song!'” Their goal was to create what love sounds like and they nailed it on the head. Since their signing with Visionary Records, in conjunction with RCA Records in 2018, the two have been hard at work creating music that caters to both sides of the emotional spectrum and we are sure to hear more from them soon.
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