Watch Kanye West’s Wide-Ranging, Three-Hour Interview With Joe Rogan
Kanye West talked about his presidential campaign, the coronavirus, religion, his mental health, a possible run for California governor and the “treacherous” music industry in a wide-ranging, three-hour interview with Joe Rogan.
“I think very three-dimensionally. I don’t think in the black-and-white lines that I’ve been programmed to think in. And I think in full color, so when I talk, I have to describe a thought in five ways,” West said when asked about his propensity to go off on rants.
“We enjoy food that has multiple seasoning in it. We enjoy music that has multiple instruments. So when I talk, it’s not a rant, it’s a symphony of ideas, and when you collect that, you say, ‘Oh these are these things that connect.’”
West added, “I just tell the truth, and telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies.”
In discussing his battle to regain his master recordings, West called people in the music industry “criminals.” “It’s not a safe place. It’s a treacherous place,” he said of the music industry, noting of his personal wealth, ““At this point music loses me money. Of my $5 billion net worth, music is negative $4 million.”
West later added, “I was thinking about buying my masters but I realized that’s too small of a thought. I’m gonna buy Universal. They’re only a $33 billion organization.”
As for his mistake-filled run for president, West blamed a “mild case” of the coronavirus. “Why did I register so late to run for president? Covid. I remember I had the virus and I was sitting quarantined in my house, and my cousin texted me about being prepared to run for president. And I completely put it off to the side ’cause I was shivering, having the shakes, taking hot showers, eating soups,” West said. “It threw everybody’s plans off.”
View this post on InstagramOh yeah we did! Dropping tomorrow at 12pm Texas time. Beyond my expectations, and I think people are going to have a much better understanding and appreciation of how this man thinks. I really enjoyed talking to him, and we had a lot of fun. @kanyewest