Singer Esabalu pours fuel onto kindling romantic flames with the single “Wildfire” [Video]
Esabalu, a young singer from a little known area of New York called (checks notes…) Brooklyn, sails through these early days of summer with a glittering new single entitled “Wildfire”. The tenderhearted tune opens with a punchy, 80’s styled synth-drum break which sets a nice and nostalgic tone for what lies ahead.
Esabalu – who previously performed under her given name of Jenn Mundia – serves up beautifully smoky vocals when she suddenly appears just a few seconds into the throwback drum solo. Her arrival soothes instead of startles and is accompanied by vapory synth pads and plush effects. The arrangement, which was fashioned by producer Brandon Jhon, is a warm and expansive production that pays homage to the era of Swatch watches and boomboxes while avoiding the super sugary mire of old-school kitsch. Esabalu trains her focus on giving listeners a truly memorable performance – pulling listeners into the heart of a young woman swept up in a stirring love affair.
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We’re also treated to an all-too-cute, D.I.Y video from the singer as she dances away her cabin fever in our new post-COVID 19 reality.
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“Wildfire” is out now on all streaming services.
Connect with Esabalu: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Soundcloud