Seb Torgus and Arkade channel 80’s pop on “Idols Don’t Cry” [Video]
Seb Torgus’ latest release, “Idols Don’t Cry” takes us back in time to an 80’s dance party equipped with big hair, bright colors, and a Billy Idol inspired swagger. The single, in collaboration with Arkade, highlights Torgus’ smooth vocals within a simple melody. Chicago native, Torgus and LA based group, Arkade combine their genre-bending R&B and pop styles for a retro-inspired release. The accompanying music video is a fun depiction of the song’s chill sound with an energetic flair.
“Idols Don’t Cry” successfully combines a 1980’s electro-pop beat with the artist’s powerful voice. The sound is reminiscent of The Weekend with a higher pitch and an infectious chorus. To close out the track, a saxophone plays to the beat. This featured sax solo further highlights the classic vibe of the singer’s style as the party video and upbeat dance rhythm provide focus in on a confident youthfulness. The natural energy displayed by Torgus and Arkade’s performances feels like it is set in a scene of the 1998 cult classic, The Wedding Singer.
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Along with the movie-like visuals, the music video also features numerous celebrities including Taco, Madison Beer, Gashi, and Zack Bia. Torgus and Arkade create a well-rounded release as a dreamy ode to the era. Torgus previously released his single, “Darkside” featuring Gashi, landing on Spotify’s New Music playlist. “Idols Don’t Cry” is the first official release for Arkade, but the artists have hinted at a joint EP with a similar sound to the nostalgic track.
Connect with Seb Torgus: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Spotify
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Connect with Arkade: Instagram | Spotify