Robin Harris Jr. is in his “Element ” [Video]
Emerging hip-hop artist Robin Harris Jr. (also known as Kid Rob/RHJ) is the son of the late comedian/actor legend, Robin Harris. A spitting image of his dad, Harris Jr. is charting his own path in the entertainment industry and he is currently ready to drop his seventh project under his imprint AOE Global with “Element” being his lead single.
“Element” is as smooth as butter and captures Harris Jr.’s laidback melodic flow and charismatic demeanor. Over the dreamy pads and nostalgia-inducing flutes, the track describes his stress-free lifestyle. His lyricism doesn’t have time for haters as he spits, “…Son of a legend, watch what I do/ I don’t do too much talking so watch what I do, watch how I move…”. The visuals are a mix of vintage and modern-day aesthetics interleaved with the rapper’s hearty demeanor. From private jets to exquisite 5-star lounges, Harris Jr. projects the excess lifestyle in his own way.
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Robin Harris Jr. also spends time helping the youth in performing arts and athletics with the Robin Harris Foundation which he co-founded to keep his father’s legacy alive. Harris Sr. was the man behind the cult classic cartoon Bebe’s Kids.
Connect with Robin Harris Jr.: Twitter | Instagram