Rising songstress, Kelyes unveils her creative new visual EP, ‘Kelyes & The Wave’
We live in an age of information that moves very quickly. Often, it seems like separating yourself from the millions of others online is the most daunting task. While this has made the playing field more congested, it has also awarded us with some creative ideas that artists have used to standout. Looking to make her mark in the midst of the madness, rising singer, Kelyes creatively turns her latest project, Kelyes & The Wave, into a captivating visual EP.
Shot in four remote locations and coinciding four tracks on the project, one of the immediately noticeable things about this video is the overall production value. Starting off with the Jamil Ahmed produced, “December Heart,” we find Kelyes in the middle of snowy mountains, calmly pouring her heart out on the slow ballad. Utilizing the climatic visuals from director Chris O’Quinn, the duo does a great job of marrying the video with the ever-building music to create a sense of ongoing anticipation throughout.
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From then, we move on to, “Not Around.” Also produced by Ahmed in conjunction with Brandon Smith, “Not Around,” is the project’s standout lead single. Already having caught an audience, the sultry record does a great job of showcasing Kelyes powerful vocal range. Using calculated shots of Kelyes, alone, in lingerie with Luc Belaire on ice, her and O’Quinn convey the essence of the record in its totality, loneliness, buoyed by the spacey production from Smith and Ahmed.
Other standout moments on the EP include, “Flashback,” a quirky, bouncy record that is the first time we are seeing Kelyes have fun the whole project, and, “Do You See Me.” Produced again by Jamil Ahmed, the uptempo island vibe of the record fits perfectly as the outro to such an emotional project. Adding the poignant visuals to the mix made an already potent project just a little more real.
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Listen to Kelyes on Apple Music // Spotify // Tidal
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