Reuben Vincent gears up for EP release with a new trailer
Charlotte, North Carolina native Reuben Vincent is preparing for his upcoming EP with a new trailer. Slated to be released on June 26th, Boy Meets World is his latest project since his debut release, Myers Park, back in 2017. Last fall he debuted the first single “Albermarle Road” from the upcoming EP and he’s gearing up for the release of his second single.
Signed to the idiosyncratic producer 9th Wonder’s label Jamla Records, Vincent’s lyricism has snagged him collabs with artists like Murs and Rapsody. The nostalgic trailer opens up with gritty footage of 9-year old Vincent laying down an energetic freestyle. The video also includes cameos of both Rapsody and 9th Wonder further supporting the burgeoning artist. Looking forward to the release of Boy Meets World, Vincent considers the EP to be “an expansion on who I am…it’s a taste of what’s to come in the future for me”. With co-signs from such skillful artists, the upcoming rapper may be in heavy rotation this summer.
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Ahead of the project release, his new single and visual for “Close” is slated to drop on June 19th. Produced by Grammy-nominated producer, Eric G, “Close” is a hopeful cut sure to get his listeners excited for the Boy Meets World release.
Connect with Reuben Vincent Spotify | Instagram | Twitter