Raia Was’ latestest release “You Are” is a mesmerizing journey [Video]
Raia Was’s gracefully fuses alternative pop and R&B to create a mesmerizing experience in her latest single “You Are.” Her delicate balance of dark and contemplative feelings is beautifully expressed through soaring vocals and sweeping ambient sounds.
“You Are” is Was’s first release off her upcoming project, Angel I’m Frightened (Side B). The track is a love song to Was’s anxiety and the familiarity of that feeling – a feeling that she might even miss once gone. There’s a subtleness to the production that leaves room for the vocals to be carried by the overwhelming emotion that Was exudes throughout. A slight delicacy and softness to the track continued building signifying Was’s emotional release.
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The accompanying music video was directed by Greek filmmaker Lilena Marinou. Marinou and Was worked very closely together in making sure the vision was achieved. Through her moving directorial abilities, Marinou imagines Was’s anxiety as an extension of herself – and that’s depicted and alive through the dancers all around Was that are almost holding her in, as she’s performing the track. There was some Grecian imagery as well in the video, which ties to director Marionu’s background having grown up in Greece.
Throughout the video, shots are so beautifully expressive as we see the reflection of Was in front of a black mirror – symbolizing a space and opportunity where she is able to confront herself.
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Raia Was’s musical journey started amidst New York City’s vibrant music scene. Was collaborated and toured with several artists as a vocalist and keyboard player. At the end of 2019, she took a leap of faith and stepped into her own with the release of her most recent and debut project Angel I’m Frightened (Side A).
It’s exciting to see an artist like Was be so confident in her artistry that every aspect of it from videos, music, and artwork just seamlessly flows into one another. We can’t wait to see the rest of her journey and story unfold.
Connect with Raia: Instagram | Twitter | Spotify