Pop duo MOM drop Dirty Dancing-inspired music video for “Come By Me”
Multicultural Irish/US pop duo MOM – consisting of Lisa Canny and Dejay Edmund – have dropped the official music video for their debut single “Come By Me.” The video, which was released earlier this week, features scenes from the incredible Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray dancing in Dirty Dancing – a film the duo grew up on.
The new single celebrates the simplicity of love in a complex world while drawing parallels with the movie’s storyline of forbidden love. The big finale dance scene in the film – and music video- encompasses the overall message of “Come By Me,” and moreover the natural intention of MOM to let go and dance.
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On this offering, Canny’s bold, melodic vocals blends with Edmund’s laid-back, baritone delivery in a feel-good, dance celebration rooted in acoustic brilliance. Catchy verses merge with the strum of a banjo and a steady, clap-reminiscent rhythm on “Come By Me,” to showcase a versatile sound that’s a little bit sultry and every bit joyful.
When Edmund’s American gospel met Canny’s Irish traditional soundscape, MOM’s unique brand of electro-acoustic pop was born. Described by the duo as “rebel pop” or “pop with a purpose,” MOM’s debut single introduces us to their ever-evolving musicality which celebrates culture, diversity and togetherness.
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The duo met in 2016, clicked instantly and began making music together with the goal of peeling back the flaws of humanity through upbeat yet introspective tunes. As poignant as it is fun, “Come By Me” is the beginning of the duo’s journey to rid the world of oppression and inject a much-needed dose of happiness into humanity.
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