Offica continues his rise to the top on his new single “Take It (Yuck)” Video]
A92’s resident star Offica is back with his brand new single “Take It (Yuck)” in collaboration with A9Dbo Fundz.
With what was a stellar year fro not only Offica but A92 as a whole, if 2021 is anything like 2020 for Irelands leading drill collective, were in for a hell of ride. After the release of the groups collaborative mixtape 92 Degrees in 2020, we all waited to see who would take the lead when it comes to solo releases. Seems like Offica is taking the lead and doing so in spectacular fashion.
“Take It (Yuck)” isn’t nothing new for the Irish drill pioneers. Offica shows out as he usually does on this deep, dark drill production. The 808’s wobble and move as the string based sample is sparse but occupy the perfect amount of space in the mix. The chemistry on offer and sheer juxtaposition between Offica and Dbo’s tones and flows create an swirling vacuum of energy that sucks the listener in. The bars come in heavy from both sides and the delivery is vicious and unrelenting as always.
A92 have been on the trajectory for stardom as a whole for years now and its tracks like these that show why. The sheer depth of talent at that collectives disposal is something to behold. They are in their lane and no one can deliver at a higher level than them at the moment in Ireland. Offica continues to prove why he is one of the most sought after names in the drill scene not just in Ireland but worldwide as well. We cannot wait to see what’s next for Offica and A92 in 2021.
Stream/download it here.
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