Meloyoung – “(BLM) Just The Beginning” (Video)

MeloYoung the newest R&B/Soul singer out of Minneapolis, just recently dropped the music video (BLM) Just The Beginning. This song has already started to make an impact on the frontline of the Minneapolis Black Lives Matter movement by amassing over 17,000 views on the audio version. Melo’s video is inspired by the events that took place involving George Floyd, in which he lost his life at the hands of police brutality. In this music video, you’ll see Meloyoung face to face with similar oppression that took George Floyd from us, way too early. But don’t feel too sad for Melo because this song isn’t about grieving a death but fighting for the lives of the black brothers and sisters we still have here with us. This song is about being empowered and fighting for equality and although this is Just The Beginning, MeloYoung is here to make a difference.