Lateb & Oblivious (aka W.O.K.E.) team up with M-Dot for “Up Up And Away” [Video]
Massachusetts duo W.O.K.E. (made up of Lateb & Oblivious) team up with Boston rhyme vet M-Dot for the long-awaited music video to their high energy single “Up Up and Away.” Produced by Jon Glass and IV the Polymath, the bravado-laden track is a showcase of pure lyricism and wild antics by the trio. All this is punctuated by the dub styled backdrop made up of guitars, warm basslines, and downtempo drum arrangements. M-Dot sets it off and lays the weight off his chest on wax while Oblivious follows up with his own take on having a good time after a long day at work. Lateb gives the track a sudden boost on the chorus and closes it up with a fiery performance.
The accompanying music video was shot and edited by Red Bridge Entertainment and portrays several clips shot in Massachusetts and Miami, FL. The track’s fun, summery vibe is amplified here as the duo picks M-Dot up while he is getting kicked out by his girl and they proceed to go around town and just wild out. The video also captures some of their live performances taken from before the lockdown.
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The single is extracted from their self-titled album W.O.K.E. out now on all digital platforms. – ClickHere. Support your musicians by taking a look at their merch here.
Connect with Lateb: Spotify | Facebook | Instagram
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Connect with Oblivious: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Connect with M-Dot: Spotify | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram