Lao Ra releases the third edition of her anti-hero trilogy with “Suena Taz” [Video]
Colombian artist Lao Ra needs no introduction when it comes to covering her music, ever since first appearing on the scene with “Jesus Made Me Bad” in 2016. This new single, titled “Suena Taz”, is no different, as Lao Ra continues to shine within this third edition of her antihero trilogy documenting a toxic relationship.
Following from the releases of “Entendido!” earlier in 2020 and “Picaflor” respectively, Ra’s newest single sees her showcase notable intricate, and energetic presence over the top of a defined dramatic danceable beat that continues to drive alone the on-going complex plot of the game of victim and victimizer.
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Ra’s Latin pop track “Suena Taz” additionally comes side-by-side visually with a psychedelic music video featuring various colourful, neon-tinged animation to match the over-arching vocals from Ra.
Connect with Lao Ra: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram