Kodak Times Documentary
Alex documentary is finally finished. Ill be posting it now. Ive decided not to pursue getting it put on any platform that will generate any kind of income. This was a work of love for Alex and the city of Philadelphia, for our youth. Philadelphia was his home and also where he was loved and supported. I funded this project because im hoping it will change someones mind about picking up a gun or harming anyone in a senseless act of violence. I want to thank everyone who made this possible. A SPECIAL Shout Out to Rick Dange who produced this documentary and Lala Ayala aka LaLa the Mula Monster for helping us make this documentary possible! to everyone to took part, I want to say thank you 🙏🏼 for speaking your truth. Our city is in turmoil right now and if this can change just one persons life than my job is done as a mother, as a sister and as a friend PLEASE, PUT THE GUNS DOWN. Please watch and share with as many people as you can. With Love and Hope💚💚💚🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Kodaktimes Mom