John Jigg$ shares blaxploitation influenced visuals for “It’s Like That” [video]
After dropping two more videos from his recently released project Jigganometry, John Jigg$ is back with a third release titled “It’s Like That.” Unlike the previous videos, this record is just Jigg$ in his element flexing his lyrical muscles.
Jigg$ sure brings down the hammer on his competitors and reinforces his street status with lines like “I put that blood in they mouth, they got the taste of salt/small fries, small pies that’s the table talk/Gem star razor-sharp, state of the art, we all do a 100 years if the kitchen tables could talk” The record sees him working with French producer Shining 88 who provides the pounding drums and sinister textures that sound like music from a ’70s action flick.
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The visuals directed by Doom Da Wiz is a mix of performance shots of Jigg$ at the kitchen table handling business, talking slick and various scenes from blaxploitation films. It’s very straight forward and dives right into the mix of things as Jigg$ lyrical prowess is on full display.
Get “It’s Like That” on Bandcamp and get Jigganometry here.
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