JAWNY finds love in all the strange places in the quarantine-shot visuals for “Anything You Want” [Video]
He may have changed his name after signing on with Interscope, but JAWNY (FKA Johnny Utah) most certainly did not change his playful outlook. After releasing the funky single “Anything You Want” earlier this year, he finally drops the accompanying visuals, and let me tell you—they do not disappoint.
JAWNY’s charm has always been rooted in his ability to turn the ordinary into extraordinarily different. While the track itself leans on its own simplicity—a light guitar riff with unobtrusive percussions on an endless loop—the newly released video, then, tries to lean on its more candid complexity. Or rather, on Jawny’s unique meandering thoughts. The ringing lyrics, “You got the funk / Gets me stupid, gets me drunk”, are taken almost quite literally throughout the two-minute visual, as directed by Ariel Fish. In his typical DIY-style, JAWNY dances along to the undeniably infectious chorus, injecting his own humour into scenes consisting of various modern-day love stories. “We were going to shoot a video and then we had the lockdown, so we switched up to an animated video… and then that didn’t work out. Finally, Ariel sent this crazy idea through and we chatted about it for a minute and came up with this video,” JAWNY told VMAN recently. “A quarantine love story… You can find love anywhere, anytime man.”
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Even through a remote execution, JAWNY maintains his quirky aesthetic, almost as a reminder to long-time fans that really, nothing has changed at all. And aren’t we glad to know it.
Connect with JAWNY: Spotify|Instagram|Twitter