Jamo Gang share some historical facts on “Francis Scott Key” [Video]
Jamo Gang is the rap trio made up of LA legend Ras Kass, NYC veteran El Gant, and emcee/producer J57, and today they’re sharing the politically charged new video for “Francis Scott Key.” The track is from their debut LP Walking With Lions, which dropped back in May via Fat Beats Records. The synth-heavy track centers on America’s past and present issues with inequality and oppression as each emcee share their unfiltered thoughts on the matter at hand.
The trio’s inspiration for the anthemic track stems from the fact that America’s anthem was forged from violence and oppression—and they put it on blast with major verbal middle fingers. The track is an anthem in its own right, but more about protesting for what’s right and just, and director Brian Sachsen embodies that spirit. The visuals blend charged performance shots of the trio with the American flag as the backdrop while splicing in historical clips from America’s past and present issues with inequality and oppression. It’s a powerful reminder of where this nation came from, and what needs to be addressed if anything’s going to change.
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Lastly, here is a little historical fun fact. The track shares its name with the American lawyer best known for writing the US national anthem—“The Star-Spangled Banner”—who composed the lyrics while watching as British forces bombarded Fort McHenry in 1814 (as part of the War Of 1812).
Get “Francis Scott Key” on all DSPs here.
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Connect with Jamo Gang | Spotify: Facebook: Bandcamp: Instagram
Connect with Ras Kass | Facebook: Twitter: Instagram
Connect with El Gant | Facebook: Twitter: Instagram
Connect with J57 |: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram