Hannah Georgas “Dreams” in soothing new release [Video]
Toronto’s acclaimed singer-songwriter Hanna Georgas has released a delicate new single titled “Dreams”, accompanied by a woozy and warm visual.
Gerogas’ gentle vocal performance makes “Dreams” an intimate and vulnerable affair. Talking about the track, Georgas says: “In my past, I have let my insecurities play into relationships and have pushed people away because I have felt like I’m not deserving of love. This song explores the idea of breaking down those barriers of insecurity and being more open.” Georgas’ ethereal vocal floats on a sparse but atmospheric instrumental, where smooth guitars and soft drums swell with tender restraint. The track never quite wakes from the dream world, but instead relishes in a state of ease that is infectious and compelling.
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The accompanying visuals for “Dreams” also harness thoughtful simplicity. The video alternates between hazy shots of Georgas playing guitar in an empty room while bathed in a golden spotlight, and abstract washes of orange and red that are reminiscent of sun shining through closed eyes. The visuals feel dreamlike, and create a harmonious viewing experience that is meditative and serene.
“Dreams” lives up to its title, and offers an exciting glimpse into Georgas’ forthcoming album titled All That Emotion, produced by The National’s Aaron Dessner and slated for release September 4th.
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