Great Mountain Fire return with serene summer single “Caroline” [Video]
Lifelong friends with a coalescent musical vision, Brussels-based quintet Great Mountain Fire return with a warm and addictive new single, “Caroline.” Taken from their forthcoming LP, Movements, it suitably whets appetites for a full project of compelling and grooving indie-pop tunes.
Firmly holding your attention from the offset, the charming, laidback feel of their sound is instantly established by a summery synergy of slick guitar licks, funky bass and washed-out synths. Vocalist Thomas de Hemptinne’s soothing tones sweep in with a dreamy, almost ethereal quality that perfectly befits the hazy energy; elevating the track from a smooth indie-pop jam to a truly standout single.
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Lamenting on a local urban legend, the quintet explain the identity of the eponymous and allegorical “Caroline” in an email statement, “A man dressed as a woman, amusing and at the same time … a kind of a new wave Cleopatra of which we only knew the name … often saw wandering [the streets] when we were teenagers, but who seems to have disappeared.” The simple yet masterfully shot visual, a performance of the track in varying locales could be them searching for this elusive character and recalls Wes Anderson’s distinctive visual style.
“Caroline” releases tomorrow, July 10th, and keep your eyes peeled for Movements, landing later this year.
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