Giveon delivers an acoustic take on fan-loved “Favorite Mistake”
This year has been a non-starter. Whether it’s the global pandemic we’re currently in the middle of, or another case of police brutality, 2020 is hurting us. Music is one thing that helps us heal in these times. Perhaps my favourite musical discovery this year has been Long Beach native Giveon. After hearing his deep raspy vocals on Drake‘s “Chicago Freestyle”, I mistook the Cali crooner for Sampha. It took me a quick twitter search to find out that in fact it was Giveon who provided the heart-tugging hook. I did a quick deep-dive into his sparse back-catalogue, and instantly became a fan.
Shortly after he appeared on the 6 God’s joint, Giveon released his own EP Take Time. This project gave him the chance to really show what his artistry is about. One track in particular was a standout, “Favorite Mistake”. This week we’ve been treated to a re-worked acoustic edition of this track, complete with video. Whilst the original was a bass-drenched affair, this time around we get an atmospheric offering. Giveon’s now signature vocal tone sits atop lone piano chords, as he croons away. Lyrically, Giveon’s subject matter is relatable. Meeting up with someone we know we shouldn’t be seeing;”our secrets safe, so you’re my favorite mistake, that’s why we gotta keep it on the low”. The whole vibe of the song is relaxed and intimate, allowing us to see him at his most vulnerable.
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“Favorite Mistake” is available to stream on all good platforms as part of Giveon’s Take Time EP.
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