First Look: Kid Bloom dances his way through a socially distant disco for two
In the wake of his EP Blood Sugar, Kid Bloom is serving up a technicolor, disco-tinged visual to accompany the title track. Kid Bloom’s Lennon Kloser guides us through a kaleidoscopic, color changing room. An elusive figure on rollerskates effortlessly glides and spins across the floor (from six feet away, of course). “Disco has always been very close to my heart,” says Kloser. “It’s just a type of music where all other types of music coexist. The idea for the video kind of came out of the roller skate on my first EP. I see it as a closing of a chapter.”
Genre-hopping comes naturally to Kloser, whose sound ranges from moody alt-rock to smooth and sensual R&B. It’s only natural that he gravitates toward disco, a melting pot of dance and rock that became an instant classic. With the help of director Diego Andrade, Kloser got into his enigmatic dance floor character. He followed the movements that entered his mind as the pulsing disco drums and simmering synths guided his way across the colorful, vacant room. Filming a video post-pandemic was a slightly different experience that came with new challenges, like a smaller crew and masks at all times. “It was a blast to film,” says Kloser, “considering I’ve been so bored at home lately.”
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Kloser has been passing the time in quarantine working on a new record, and new songs beyond that record that he hasn’t yet found a home for. His playlist has been reaching back even further than disco, to the 40s and 50s. His go-to quarantine hobby? “Eating a lot.”
Connect with Kid Bloom: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Spotify