Django Stewart drops kaleidoscopic new video for debut single, “Burning Bridges (For Your Love)” [Video]
Emerging pop artist, Django Stewart delivers powerful vocals and an addictive hook on latest single, “Burning Bridges (For Your Love).” The accompanying music video shows the artist’s energetic performance through a colorful kaleidoscope. The upbeat pop melody along with a fun video makes this single a positive breakup anthem for the summer.
Django Stewart possesses a unique flare that makes his strong voice even more surprising. The soulful power of his vocals is reminiscent of Sam Smith, his edgy rockstar style gives listeners classic Billy Idol vibes, and his infectious sound is like Lady Gaga. This single is an uplifting approach to heartbreak pop. Stewart describes the creative process, “The track is about being in a relationship that’s dying, and subsequently falling in love with someone else. I was in the Bahamas when I was sent the beat. Me and Tyler, who features on the track, danced around talking about crushes and wrote the whole thing in a heartbeat.” Despite its breakup lyrics, the track creates a sense of happiness and growth, acting as the perfect soundtrack for a healthy rebound.
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“Burning Bridges (for Your Love)” is a standout record that has the potential to become a mainstream hit, but the substance to remain a hidden gem. In collaboration with Nile Rogers, Django Stewart plans to release more music later this year. Fans can look forward to more alt-pop ballads that capitalize on the artist’s authentic style and wide vocal range.
Connect with Django Stewart: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Spotify