Confidence Man show off their moves in “First Class Bitch” [Video]
Need some reassurance or a confidence boost? Electro-pop act Confidence Man’s got you covered. With glitter feeling like it’s bouncing off of every beat, the band makes a winning comeback with their new single, “First Class Bitch”.
The over-the-top self-absorption in “First Class Bitch” is intentional. The band wants fans to relish in a sea of narcissism for the sake of this song. It makes oneself remember who they are.
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The sultry spoken vocals of Janet Planet are accompanied by the gravelly background vocals of Sugar Bones. The resilience and spirit of the songwriter Janet’s lyrics feels reminiscent of that of Charli XCX or Rina Sawayama. Reggie Goodchild layers funk and bird-like caws on the synthesizer. Clarence McGuffie maintains a steady beat on the drums, intermixing a buoyant cowbell. Together, they create an animalistic, jungle-like rhythm, accentuating the track’s wildness.
If the song in itself isn’t enough, the accompanying video has enough imagery to convince one that Confidence Man has enough coolness to rule the world. Dressed in baby doll dresses and 90s Chanel, Janet Planet performs next to a fancy car with the rest of the band. On anyone else, her dance moves may look pretty out-there. However, Janet embodies the tasteful carelessness embedded in the beat, making us wish we could look just as good as her when we dance.
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Janet Planet got her inspiration from the song, “when I saw a pair of socks with the words “first class bitch” embroidered on them, hanging in a shop front window. I suddenly realized, I too was a first class bitch. I rushed back to the penthouse and penned this hit. Ever wondered what you hear when you die? This is it.”
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