Blakk Soul shares visuals for his inspiring single “Free” [Video]
Blakk Soul‘s newest single is all about positivity and keeping the faith regardless of the situation. The title, “Free,” stems from reality where we are all bogged down by life itself. Either stuck in a 9 to 5, depression or just losing hope in humanity, Blakk Soul implores us to discard the extra load, take some time off and recalibrate.
Backed by an ethereal soulful production, the Tacoma, Washington-raised singer recounts his own experiences and how he found a way to overcome his inner demons. With uplifting lines like “precipitation cleanses the soul/ raise your vibrations, never let go…” he encourages us to find a way out of this mist of depression and get back on our purpose. The visuals do tap into the theme of the song and reinforce it with a progressive storyline that results in finding one’s peaceful spot. It shows the daily cycle we all get into but eventually, we learn to find our mojo to push through and live life to the fullest as we should.
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“Free” is from Blakk Soul’s Mello Music Group debut LP Take Your Time. Get “Free” on all DSPs here.
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