Blackout Balter embraces modern rock in new single “Red Letter” [Video]
Nashville group Blackout Balter excels within arid alt-rock landscapes and that’s evident in their new single “Red Letter.” The band blossoms amid turbulent-furious drum beats, trickling synth embellishments, and of course, overdriven guitar licks executed with perfect precision.
Similar to groups like Louisville’s White Reaper, Blackout Balter incorporate finer sounds into its music to accent their alt-rock edge that occasionally pulls from garage rock influences. In “Red Letter,” Blackout Balter takes punk rhythms and combines them with subtle synth stabs and reverb-heavy vocals for a sound that reimagines alternative rock but much more polished in its presentation.
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As for the music video, it’s spliced found-footage aesthetic is cutting and fit for the grit of the single—bonus points for the matching white outfits. Blackout Balter’s debut record, Animal, is set for release this year on July 24th, and should it follow the formula of its lead single, it stands to throw this quintet into the mix of alt-rock groups reshaping the mold that forms music genre preferences today. The upcoming record was produced by Grammy-winner Jeremy Ferguson (Cage the Elephant engineer and producer) and assisted by Grammy-winner Emily Lazar (David Bowie, Cold Play), so you know it is ready to water the band’s bloom, aggressively.
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