Black Noi$e teams up with Bbymutha for “Mutha Magick”
Today, producer/DJ, Black Noi$e dropped his new track “Mutha Magick” featuring Bbymutha. In addition to the new single, he also announces a new forthcoming project, Oblivion. The new album is set to release on August 14th via Earl Sweatshirt’s Tan Cressida imprint on Warner Records.
Produced by Black Noi$e himself, “Mutha Magick” is a sonically unique track with subtle trap-inspired bass. Wasting no time, Bbymutha does what she does best and lays down some ill-ass bars. With a southern, syrupy drawl she leaves no room for critique on the track as she delivers a relentless assault of clever lyricism.
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Accompanied by a music video release, with visuals created by Aaron Hymes, the animation follows a group of friends through a haunted mansion ironically dubbed Oblivion. Featuring notable cameos, the music video takes a mind-bending trip similar to the psychedelic instrumental.
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Inspired by Detroit techno and J-Dilla’s iconic sound, Black Noi$e creates sounds that defy the norm. Preparing for his upcoming release, he has dropped singles and visuals for both “Mutha Magick” and “The Band” featuring Liv.e. Both tracks are expected to be on Oblivion which also boasts a feature-heavy tracklist including Earl Sweatshirt, Danny Brown, and many more. Packing 13 tracks, Black Noi$e has something to add to your rotation. Check out the new single up top.
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