Black Noi$e and Liv.e float beautifully together on “The Band” [Video]
It was only a matter of time before Earl Sweatshirt became the head of his own label. The 26-year-old MC and producer has crafted a sound distinctly his own, with languid and poignant rhymes layered over foggy beats that both bewilder and inspire. His Warner Records imprint, Tan Cressida, is his playground, and the first signee to join him is Detroit producer and DJ Black Noi$e. Black will soon release his first LP on the label, Oblivion, and has shared the first single and video titled “The Band” featuring Dallas R&B artist Liv.e
Black’s production on the track is intoxicating. Percussion chugs underneath a layer of guitar that rises and falls like waves, drawing the listener closer and closer. The beautiful, floating vocals of Liv.e are the perfect accompaniment. Her voice bends and sways with the production seamlessly, adding her own neo-soul element to Black’s kaleidoscope of free jazz sounds. “The Band” makes for a sonic match made in heaven.
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The video accompanying the single is a bite-sized tour documentary. Black himself shot the footage last year while on the Fire It Up tour. Fellow vanguards Earl, Liv.e, MIKE, Na-Kel Smith, and BbyMutha join Black on tour. Images of tour life are stitched together in a seemingly arbitrary way. But when paired with the track, they form an ideal representation of young joy and creativity. If “The Band” is any indication, Oblivion should be a welcome addition to the discographies of Black Noi$e and Tan Cressida. Connect with Black Noi$e: Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram
Connect with Liv.e: Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram