AzChike links with Shordie Shordie for “Aye Aye” visual [Video]
“Burn Rubber Again” rapper, AzChike has remixed his latest single, “Aye Aye.” The Fortwoe produced single bares a guest appearance from “Bitchuary” rapper, Shordie Shordie. The Eastside of Los Angeles native pairs well with the Baltimore breakout star, as they convey similar nonchalant, heart tucked, rapping styles over this mid-tempo tangent. They’re an ideal collaboration, one not disappointed by this particular effort.
In the Mr. Real Movie directed visual, a tatted Chike and Shordie host a backyard function in LA during the wee hours of the night. An icy gang, including familiar faces such as Rucci, link up to jig (dance) to the 808 heavy groove, one not foreign to AzChike on previous efforts such as 2019’s standout “Rich & Ratchet” LP.
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The Asylum Records signee teases a follow-up to the ultra ratchet and party-friendly body of work, including last month’s brief “Yors Truly” EP, and even a great deal of Twitter-based anticipation for this song. Jut a few days ago, Chike took to Twitter to show a screenshot from a local photographer playing this unreleased single, exclaiming he exchanged it for another rapper’s leaked song, but to no avail as far as the source. With such desire and desperation for a release, we were graced with this suffice visual.
You niggas are weird as fuck. pic.twitter.com/YDxmL00vqp
— Threat. ? (@AzChike) June 24, 2020
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