Fusilier releases riotous “Dancing in the Street” video
Brooklyn vocalist Blake Fusilier, better known simply as Fusilier, has just released a boldly political jam “Dancing in the Street,” a twist on the Motown classic that pays homage to queer people of color in this trying time. The track and accompanying video come with the release of Fusilier’s Upstream EP, the creative’s first effort in about two years. A brilliantly poignant soundtrack to a rising Black Lives Matter Movement and recently commenced pride month, Fusilier is back with an unapologetic statement regarding the power of protest. The matching video shows powerful footage of black beauty as well as political riots, a fitting visual with powerful imagery.
“Dancing in the Street” is an abrasive electro-punk fever dream with a deep sense of urgency. It eloquently transforms the Martha Reeves classic to fit a chaotic modern context while simultaneously modeling how little has changed since the original. The song carries not only a striking reference but also some excellently hectic musicality. The pounding drums and deeply haunting synth blares are a pressing backdrop for Fusilier’s voice, which does an excellent justice. “Dancing in the Street” then progresses with more piercing layers in the form of vocal choruses and stronger drum runs. The escalation reaches an energy and power that truly drips with action and inspiration; it’s truly difficult not to be compelled by this.
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Fusilier’s new track and video is incredibly important and striking at this time. It functions as an anthem for change, a rally cry for the unheard.
Connect with Fusilier: Spotify | Twitter | Instagram