Kiara is busting loose on that “Ape Shyt” energy [Video]
North Carolina-based rapper Kiara gets down and dirty on her new track titled “Ape Shyt.” Teaming up with IGOT20ONMYBEAT (Dababy, Fat Dave), Kiara steps up to bat over the sparse but bouncy trap backdrop laid before her.
Nothing is spared and no topic is off-limits for the emerging rapper who blends 90s rap sensibilities with a contemporary trapper swag. She is like a mix of a young Foxy Brown with elements of Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion peppered with a Southern gangsta swag when she spits.
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The video is quite simple and it’s a straight forward performance focus shot of her in some unknown location. It’s pretty much a viral-styled shot jut to keep her buzz going during this unfortunate lockdown. On another note, the everyday vibe she gives in the video actually ties into her brand. She lets us know via email that no matter how big she gets, she wants her fans to know that she will always be one of them. “I’m human. I’m just like everybody else. I go through things.” Kiara is currently working on her completing her album.
Get “Ape Shyt” on Spotify and Soundcloud.
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Connect with Kiara: Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram