Young RJ and Mega Ran show mental strength even under “Pressure” [Video]
Slum Village member Young RJ and Mega Ran recently put out their collaborative project titled 2 Hands Up but they are back with the visuals for the focus track. Aptly titled “Pressure,” the track dwells on the duo’s mental and physical stamina as they try to get ahead and overcome the various obstacles that life throws at them. Young RJ who also produces sits at the helm of the boards on this one and cooks up a laid back ominous synth-driven beat with sparse drum arrangements. The duo shares with the listeners some of their tricks to stay productive under surmounting pressure, as Young RJ uses beat making as his outlet while Mega Ran lets his pen be his therapist.
The video for “Pressure” is shot in black and white and is made up of various performance shots and some special effects for good measure. It’s straightforward and sure gets the job done. “Pressure” is taken from the Young RJ and Mega Ran album 2 Hands Up. Get the album here.
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Connect with Mega Ran : Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Connect with Young RJ : Twitter | Instagram