Year in Review: So, How Was Your 2020, Brandy Clark?
So, How Was Your 2020? is a series in which our favorite entertainers answer our questionnaire about the music, culture and memorable moments that shaped their year. We’ll be rolling these pieces out throughout December.
Brandy Clark’s third album Your Life Is a Record was released in early March and inevitably got overshadowed by the global shutdown due to the pandemic, but it was full of the top-notch songwriting and singing we’ve come to expect from the Nashville performer. She’d end up getting some vindication — by the end of 2020, she’d have Grammy nominations for Best Country Album and Best Country Solo Performance. Here, Clark discusses her appreciation for Melissa McCarthy and Anthony Fauci as well as what she learned to spend less time doing during quarantine.
The album I listened to the most in 2020 was:
Ashley McBryde’s Never Will
My favorite TV show to stream during quarantine was:
The Morning Show
The song that will define “2020” for me is:
The Eagles’ “Hotel California”
I’d define my current state of mind as:
The viral video I kept coming back to in quarantine was:
The one where the mountain lion chased the jogger in Utah
The old-favorite album I returned to for comfort this year was:
Patty Loveless’s When Fallen Angels Fly
The old-favorite movie I returned to for comfort this year was:
A new hobby I picked up in quarantine was:
The celebrity I’d most want to quarantine with is:
Melissa McCarthy…..she’d keep me laughing
The most interesting thing I learned to cook during quarantine was:
I learned to cook a Weight Watchers eggplant lasagna that was amazing.
The best book I read in quarantine was:
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Something positive that happened to me that nobody noticed was:
I spent a lot less time on my phone.
The mistake I learned the most from this year was:
Taking the little things for granted
The biggest hero of 2020 was:
All of the front line healthcare workers…AND Dr. Anthony Fauci
A word or phrase I never want to hear again is:
Social distance
The thing I’m least looking forward to in 2021 is:
Lines and traffic
The thing I’m most looking forward to doing when the pandemic is over is:
Being able to move about the world unmasked
My biggest hope for 2021 is:
We will come out of this pandemic stronger, wiser and KINDER than we were before.