Watch Dave Grohl Read Ringo Starr’s ‘Octopus’s Garden’ Children’s Book
Dave Grohl, The Storyteller himself, appeared on the BBC kids series CBeebies to read fellow drummer Ringo Starr’s Beatles-inspired children’s book Octopus’s Garden.
“After a busy day of rocking out, I like to relax by telling stories about places I’d like to go. Sometimes I imagine being up in space, zooming through the stars, or traveling through time with enormous dinosaurs. Sometimes, I like to be under the sea,” Grohl said during his introduction to the 2014 bedtime story.
“I love this story because it was written by someone who plays the drums, just like me,” adding that Starr is “my hero.”
The Foo Fighters frontman then recited the Starr’s book — based on the Abbey Road classic and accompanied by the book’s illustrations by Ben Cort — in a soft-spoken, bedtime-inducing manner. “Why don’t we all lay our head on the seabed and dream of underwater adventures,” Grohl said at the book’s end.
Earlier this week, Grohl released his memoir The Storyteller, a more-adult tome about his life and career, from his tenure in the punk band Scream to drumming for Nirvana to fronting the Foo Fighters.
“When the lockdown happened, I suddenly had nothing to do. I never have nothing to do,” Grohl said of the book. “I’ve always been creatively restless, so I thought I would spend my time writing these short stories for an Instagram page [called] ‘davestruestories.’ And in doing that I fell in love with writing. I thought, ‘Oh you know what? Maybe I’ll write a book,’ without realizing how gargantuan of a project it would be.”
He added, “The idea was to choose the stories that best described what it’s like to be behind the curtain and on the inside of the music, from the drum stool looking out. To play music, have this beautiful family, travel the world, meet people from all walks of life, I never take any of this for granted, believe me.”