Watch Dave Grohl Fight Coffee Addiction in Freshpotix Parody Ad
Foo Fighters parody those nonstop prescription medication TV commercials in an elaborate faux ad for Freshpotix, which the band posted on YouTube Wednesday.
The clip stars Dave Grohl as a former coffee addict whose love of the bean caused friction between him and his Foo Fighters bandmates.
“Ten years ago, I was in the grips of a debilitating caffeine addiction. My ability to maintain personal relationships and bowel movements were compromised by crippling sleep deprivation and noxious coffee breath,” Grohl says in voiceover. “As the bean took over, I found myself doing anything for a fix. My roast grew darker and darker until I finally hit pot bottom. I couldn’t be there for the ones I love when they needed me the most.”
Like all those other prescription medication ads, the tone turns from somber to uplifting after Grohl’s doctor recommends Freshpotix, a caffeine pill of sorts.
The ad warns of serious side effects like “but not limited to: Severe Monkey Peen, Violent Fits of Rage Towars Left-Handed People, Extra Toe, Urge to Found Your Own Colony, Bald Ass, Cyrusvirus (your voice changes to that of Billy Ray or Miley), Stomach Tail, Peptic Waltzing, Stool Entirely Made of Corn (Just a Cob), Oxford Commas, Weeping Taint, Echola, Nose Chickens, Uncontrollable Tattling, Back Fro, Plaid Lung, Acid Washed Jeans, Tinselscrote (Break out of Christmas Tree Tinsel on Balls), and Pauly Shore.”
A visit to the Foo Fighters webstore finds the band offering a Freshpotix light-up pen for $4.99; however, the medication itself is unavailable. It’s unclear whether the ad signals something’s afoot in the world of Foo Fighters — the band is in the studio together for the commercial — or if it’s just for a laugh.
The Freshpotix ad also calls back to Fresh Pots!, a 2010 video uploaded by Them Crooked Vultures that documented Grohl’s then-coffee addiction: