Watch Chvrches Perform ‘Screen Violence’ Songs on ‘CBS This Morning’
Chvrches appeared on CBS This Morning‘s “Saturday Sessions” to showcase three tracks off their recent album Screen Violence. The group performed singles “Good Girls” and “He Said She Said,” along with album cut “California.”
Screen Violence, which dropped August 27th via Glassnote Records, is Chvrches’ fourth album. Recorded remotely between Glasgow and Los Angeles during the pandemic, Screen Violence derives its title from one of the band’s early proposed names before they settled on Chvrches. A decade later, the band decided to revive the name in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown, where many relationships were tethered together over the computer amid a global crisis.
The band shared several songs ahead of the album’s release, including “He Said She Said” and “Good Girls”. Their single “How Not to Drown,” features Robert Smith of the Cure.
Last month, Chvrches appeared on The Tonight Show to perform “Good Girls.” Performing from a hilltop overlooking a city at night, the group juxtaposed a televised version of singer Lauren Mayberry with the real one for a surreal version of the track.