Trevor Noah Riffs on New Zealanders' Rush to McDonald's After Quarantine
Trevor Noah continued his at-home monologues on The Daily Social Distancing Show Wednesday night with a riff on Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, who had an unfortunate mix-up involving the state’s flood of unemployment applications during the pandemic.
In a press conference, Beshear publicly called out a form that listed the applicant’s name as “Tupac Shakur,” and admonished others who might be tempted to file for unemployment under a fake name. Later, he apologized, as the guy’s name really was Tupac Shakur.
“On the one hand, the governor should know that it’s possible for two people to have the same name,” Noah said. “But on the other hand, if the person you share a name with is Tupac Shakur, at least throw in a middle initial so people don’t get confused.”
In other COVID-related news, New Zealand’s government has determined that it’s safe for the country to come out of quarantine, and many New Zealanders are celebrating…by going to McDonald’s. Reports show Kiwis lining up the block to order from the fast food chain.
“I’m willing to bet some people were just driving up for the social interaction,” Noah said.
Later, the host shared images of fashion fans putting together their own Met Gala outfits from household objects (this year’s Gala was canceled due to the pandemic), and pointed out that a deadly asteroid had just barely grazed past Earth this week, as though we need another disaster to worry about. (Luckily, he quipped, the asteroid respected social-distancing.)
Noah also discussed the Blue Angel and Thunderbird jets that flew over New York City this week in support of healthcare workers fighting the virus. Unfortunately, crowds turned up in the city’s public spaces to watch the planes, violating the CDC’s recommendations for social-distancing.
“What did they expect people to do?” Noah said. “If you do cool shit outside, people are gonna come outside, ’cause they wanna see what’s happening. What’s your next bright idea, huh? Is the military gonna hire Channing Tatum to walk around in a Speedo?”