TreaZon is still very much “Alive” on his latest album

“Alive” is a warning shot from TreaZon, the Cleveland emcee who’s out to stir the hornet’s nest and then some on his new album, I Shouldn’t Be Alive. Like other cuts from this project, “Alive” is a banger full of lyrical darts aimed at anyone who doubted TreaZon and his talents. He makes good use of the ominous backdrop and layers it with a double cadence style and sure addresses all the things that have been on his chest for a while now. From fake friends to doubters, TreaZon has a few words for them.

“Alive” is taken from his new album I Shouldn’t Be Alive, which is a celebration of life and perseverance shaped by pivotal moments in the artist’s life. And interestingly enough, the project was initially conceived as a mixtape wherein he would rap over instrumentals of tracks that saved his life. But everything changed when his daughter was born. The project turned into more than just charged up raps over dope beats and allowed TreaZon to also give the listener a glimpse into his life and personal issues. The LP’s title is inspired by the show where survivors explain how they narrowly escaped various life-threatening situations. “It felt like a message to me—like my daughter saved me,” he explains via email.

Get the LP, I Shouldn’t Be Alive. Get the LP on all DSPs here.

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