Thor Rixon considers the impact of “Lies” on latest single [Video]
Cape Town-raised, Berlin-based producer, artist and multi-instrumentalist, Thor Rixon continues to look inward with his latest release, “Lies,” and builds upon the introspective journey first set out by his previous single “Why Don’t You Love Me.”
A touch more downtempo, but equally as irrefutably grooving as his previous work, Rixon positions the typical, balladesque love song formula as an opportunity for growth and an apology for his past wrongdoings.
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The message in “Lies” extends to the oxymoronic affable and upbeat groove, articulating the heavy subject matter as an infectious, feel-good R&B-leaning indie bop, and the buck doesn’t stop there. The masterfully shot one-take visual continues to compound the concept, elevating it from an energetic performance piece to a conceptual feature in which things slowly appear to not be what they seem.
The perfect soundtrack to both sitting in your feelings and dancing around your bedroom, check out the exclusive visual above.
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“Lies” is out Friday, August 21st.
Connect with Thor Rixon: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify