The Game Says He Only Cares About Fatherhood Now

The Game isn’t concerned with being left off lists of the top West Coast rappers.

In Billboard and Tres Generaciones Tequila’s Get Up Anthems series, The Game reflected on his place in the West Coast rap scene. He made it clear that he didn’t want to be included in the show’s list of rappers from California who dropped iconic songs, and he claimed that being left out by others wasn’t an issue for him.

According to Game, he didn’t think that he would make it this far in the rap game, and because he did, the only thing on his mind now is being the best father he could be to his daughter.

“I literally thought that I should have died. I’m just being honest,” said Game. “I really thought that I should have died somewhere between The Documentary and Doctor’s Advocate. The fact that I didn’t, I call pure luck, and my will to survive was purely based on wanting to walk my daughter down the aisle.

He continued, “I had a new mission and a new will to live. That’s what it’s about for me, and so it’s easy for me to give my flowers to Kendrick and YG and Ice Cube and say I love and miss Nip and do all of that. I get left out of all the conversations. I get left off the murals. I don’t give a fuck about none of that. I literally am just trying to stay alive to see my daughter walk down out, and that’s it. My purpose was only to be a father, and that this list is cool, but fatherhood, that’s me.”

The Game recently welcomed his fourth child, Blaze Taylor. He announced the news on his Instagram with a post showing his newborn son and a caption that read, “Beautiful baby boy overload. ‘Blaze Taylor’ I love you son.”