The Bright Light Social Hour shares moving psych-pop single “Enough” [Video]
Austin-based psych-rock specialists The Bright Light Social Hour disembark with their new single, “Enough,” a heady, acid-trip of a song. It follows their previous single “Feel U Deep” released last month. Both tracks are lifted off the band’s forthcoming LP Jude Vol.2. “Enough” also arrives with an accompanied psychedelic music video directed by Bradly Montesi.
“Enough” is a sensuous exertion, occupying an alluring melody and vibrant guitar licks throughout its run. The band sonically explores the intricacies of experimental psych-pop, sprightly synth-pop, and refined indie rock. With the unification of these genres, the track is anthemic and lyrically expressive. On this latest release, The Bright Light Social Hour exhibits their affinity for bracing sonic arrangements and crafty storytelling. Ultimately, “Enough” serves as a recuperative effort as the narrative is associated with the aftermath of a tragic event that occurred for the band.
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Speaking over email, lead singer Jackie O’Brien said this about the band’s single, “Curtis and I wrote this one in a day. We were talking about how, as men, we’re conditioned to fear commitment and vulnerability. We feel overwhelming love but enter relationships tepidly, asking, ‘could you be enough for me?’ when we should be asking, ‘could I be enough for me?’ To me, the upcoming record is a celebration of the profound joy on the other side of terrible loss (in this case the loss of my brother/our manager), and this song is the pinnacle of that joy. It celebrates love and vulnerability as an act of rebellion against toxic masculinity, that you can change the world by feeling your own fucking feelings.”
The Bright Light Social Hour is composed of Jackie O’Brien on bass guitar and vocals, Curtis Roush on guitar and vocals, Edward Braillif on synthesizers and guitar, and Joseph Mirasole on drums. They had released their third LP Jude Vol. I in February of last year.
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Connect with The Bright Light Social Hour: Spotify | Instagram | Twitter