T-Pain Shows Off His Yacht After Being Called ‘Broke’ for Flying Commercial

T-Pain gave fans a look at his lavish yacht just days after people criticized him for flying commercial instead of on private jets.

Earlier this week, T-Pain shared a post on his Instagram where he gave fans a look at the inside of the boat, which included a full bar and various marble statues. In the clip itself, T-Pain mocked all the commotion surrounding his preference for flying commercial.

“I guess I’m broke. Anyways here’s the yacht I’m staying on,” he wrote, showing off the yacht in all its glory. In his caption, T-Pain poked fun at the people claiming he’s broke by writing, “yOu dIdNt fLY pRIvaTe???”

T-Pain was the source of multiple jokes this month after admitting he doesn’t fly on private jets because of how much it costs. The singer broke down a trip from Atlanta to Las Vegas that would cost someone $126,574 and reflected on how much of a waste it is. That same trip on a commercial flight would only cost between $54 and $260.

“To take a private jet from Atlanta to Vegas and then back to Atlanta is $126,000. And y’all are asking me… Do you understand what I’m saying?” said T-Pain. “Are you okay now? Do you feel like it? No private debt jet? What? You not taking a private jet? You’re not spending all this money to go make money. Why would you do that? In what world is that smart? Then y’all will be like he broke again.”

He captioned the video: “If it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense!!! Pass me the Biscoff cookies.”

T-Pain’s peers including Timbaland, producer Jess Jackson and Big Sean supported his sentiments, and even Delta Airlines agreed with him.