Swimming with Bears lights up in new music video for “Do It”
The electric spirit of Austin, Texas is fueled by the artists that call the city home. Swimming with Bears is a group among those artists with a new music video for its single titled “Do It” meant to keep the city’s vibrancy from flickering as this spin around the sun continues to be a turbulent one. Swimming with Bears provides in the music video for the track a sharp surge of energy that is sure to jolt you in more than one direction.
The skillful, overdriven bassline and revved-up electric guitars that open the track, pave the way for the always-vibrant vocals of Swimming with Bears lead singer Joe Perry (different Joe Perry; equally cool Joe Perry) to connect the single’s sonic grid at every chorus and lively refrain. Swimming with Bears finds itself, as many other Austin bands do too, in a bizarre universe where the city lacks its driving force of live performances, and yet the band explains: “The quarantine has in itself been both a curse and a blessing, while it has effortlessly put our plans of world domination with our music on hold… it has given us much needed time to start working on new music and projects.”
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The music video for the song is an intimate look at the band as they deal with the quarantine in the only way they know how to: with music powering their minds. Colorful and amped-up, the video is the live performance the band dreams of, for a world beyond the virus. Be it new videos or entirely new projects, Swimming with Bears has an energy to it that even in idle mode can light up the world.
Connect with Swimming with Bears: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook