Stevie Nicks Pays Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘She Was a Political Rock Star’
Stevie Nicks penned a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg hours after the death of the Supreme Court Justice and feminist icon at the age of 87. “She was a political rock star,” the singer wrote on social media.
“She was my hero. She fought for me, and all women. I feel today very much like I felt on the night my own mother died. I feel like someone punched me in the stomach. My tears have not stopped since a friend tip toed into my room and said ‘Stevie, Ruth died.’ (No need for the last name…),” Nicks wrote.
“I so believed that she would live for a few more years. I wanted to meet her. I wanted to hold her hand and give her a huge hug and thank her for all she had done for women, and for all she would continue to do.”
Nicks expressed regret that – while she always wanted to – she never had the opportunity to meet the beloved RBG. “As with all legends, you think they will live forever, so you will get there in time. I did not get to meet her. I did not get to stand in her grace.”
Nicks continued, “As a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, the first female to be inducted twice, compared to 22 men having been inducted twice, I Stevie Nicks, induct Ruth Bader Ginsburg into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame of Life.”
Ginsburg — who previously survived bouts with colon, lung and liver cancer — died Friday of complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer. In the days before her death, Ginsberg reportedly told her granddaughter, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”
Nicks ended her tribute, “She was our girl, our champion, our finest example. She was Ruth.”
— Stevie Nicks (@StevieNicks) September 19, 2020