STACEY creates with confidence in new single “DMT” [Video]
When artists collaborate, the worlds they create are endless, such worlds are on display in the new music video for STACEY’s dreamy single “DMT”—a new work that recruits the psychedelic themes of Peru-based collage artist Sara Serna for something so retro, so glam. The easy-going single from the Toronto-based singer-songwriter uses a charming electric guitar riff and a soft drumbeat to support the echoes and watery sustains that add to the ever-swelling ambiance of the track. “DMT” feels like a sonic bubble that whisks you away to a better place.
As STACEY’s vocals dip and rise, one notices the confidence with which they are delivered, the sense of exploration they evoke. Collage artist Sara Serna brings this sense of exploration to life in a music video that lays bare her artistic talent: experimenting with ‘60s themes ranging from fashion to television ads, the world created is unapologetic and characteristic of the artist. STACEY is comfortable in the world created, her personality adding even more color to the backdrops moving ever so slowly.
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“DMT” is the second single off STACEY’s forthcoming debut full-length album Saturn Return (due in the fall). The song is the showcase of an artist willing to express herself and create in earnest, not following any real trends, just setting them. Both in the visual and the sonic, there is a daring attitude that allows STACEY to stand out. In each echoing refrain and call for imagination liberation within “DMT,” there is a vision for a bright future awaiting a new pop star on the rise.
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