Spooky Mansion can’t outrun “The Curse” [Video]
Surf rock quartet Spooky Mansion bring news of their new LP set to release early next year. Right now, they’re giving fans a look at their whereabouts with their video for “The Curse”. In their newest single, they look at the fluctuating pains of a relationship, but keep the mood up with a mix of disco and country vibes.
Despite its name, there’s nothing dark and spooky about “The Curse”. The pulsing of the keyboard emphasizes lead singer Grayson Converse’s raspy, soulful vocals. The shimmers of the tambourine balance well with heavy-hitting drums and hand claps. Especially when Converse croons in the bridge, “Don’t make this harder on yourself”, the track feels like an ultimate pick-me-up tune.
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Converse said about the song, “I want ‘The Curse’ to be the song you put on early in the morning to get pumped for the day; the song you play in the Uber on the way to your first date to ensure you’re about to be the most rocking, dope version of yourself.” It feels safe to say that the band followed through on that goal.
Their music video plays off the mystery documentary TV show, Unsolved Mysteries, with the band’s version, Rock n Roll Mysteries. Complete with a host, “interviews” from a paranormal investigator and the county sheriff, and scenes of absurd horror, the music video makes for a very entertaining watch.
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