Snoh Aalegra dives into universal sentiments of surrender on “DYING 4 YOUR LOVE”
Snoh Aalegra takes us to the depths of outer space in her latest song and video, “DYING 4 YOUR LOVE”. A heart-filled confession written to past but not forgotten flame, Aalegra delivers an intimately magical number, asking a distant lover how he was able to move on so easily if it truly was love.
A classic R&B slow burner, Snoh sways to the hazy beat, her figure lit by the fluorescent moonlight, as transposed holograms and colourful lights dance around her. Staring into the cosmic mass, Aalegra’s eyes lock in on Venus, coincidentally, the planet of love and beauty, as she ponders on the ever-changing nature of love. The otherworldly visuals contrast with the timeless essence of the track, creating a feel that is, at once, nostalgic and futuristic. Her voice, sparkling like fine wine, melts into smouldering jazz and muffled echoes. The mesmerizing visuals, complete with choreography by Parris Goebel, captures the dilemma of being unable to undo the motions of falling in love, even if that love was unrequited.
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“DYING 4 YOUR LOVE”’s soulful melodies are bound to get you in your feels–and it may even have you missing someone the Universe had planned for you to meet in another lifetime.
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